: Pepper&Carrot Episode 03 [ld]


Zha Wud 3: Woradi Wothesh

--- Page 01

* Lo = losh Sháadelol bethu
Sháadelol; sháal wehethu
Wil thal háasháal. Bóo eb ni ashoshimeth nib ledim, lu.
Bíi meham ben nuha wa. Bóo den ne Lo* 60 beth.
Wohíya... yana

--- Page 02

Wil sha, shawith. Bóo buth ni daleth thabeshin i bim leda, nade nodim, lu.
Hóoda, dush bel le beth bim wa...
Bíi loláad le thenath hadihad úwáanú den le ni, Loshesh
Bóo láad, ham Loyud wa
Bóo di ne ledim: Báada thalehul hal ábedune ha?
Bíi edeláad le úthú buth ne thesheth úwanú be woyaha-nesherana wora-shonem sháaleya aril. Báa dóon le?
... woya-hanesherana worashon?
... sháal aril?

--- Page 03

Ledaá! Bíi ham wohume wosháal nede noshubewan wáa!
Wil hesho lezh rashoneth hi!
Woyahaneshe-rana Worashon Sháadelol bethu
Bíi ham mebish Lo 50 000 WOHESHO WORANADIM
Hathamesháal sháaya 3, Rahíyahotheha Sháadelol bethu

--- Page 04

Bóo dóham ne neyóoth, bé aril meduredeb nezh shidinal!
Áa...! Lothel le...
... hi úmú them le wa!

--- Page 05

Nanede, them le nem shilithuth woloyo woboshumede...
... i wolaya wodalathameth wodóhéeya woholinede

--- Page 06

... i udoya máathuth údehú mehabelid óowababí wohóowabo woyedeha...
... i dóol, laleth nedebe yáalalóowamidede

--- Page 07

Loyud! Bíi lith le úthú nobuth le wothem wodal woho wa.
... shad be wo
Hesho... yob hi... hathehath wa!
Bíi ril thad hal le náaleya obée yobewáan i thad el le wothaleháalish woranath wo. Ib thad hesho le sháaleya aril wo
Bé aril dedideth nádideshub...

--- Page 08

Алексей, 獨孤欣, Albert Westra, Alejandro Flores Prieto, Alex Lusco, Alex Silver, Alex Vandiver, Alexander Sopicki, Andreas Rieger, Andrew, Andrew Grady, Andrey Alekseenko, Anna Orlova, Antan Karmola, Antoine, Aslak Kjølås-Sæverud, Axel Bordelon, Axel Philipsenburg, Ben Evans, Boonsak Watanavisit, Boudewijn Rempt, carlos levischi, Charlotte Lacombe-bar, Chris Sakkas, Christophe Carré, Clara Dexter, Colby Driedger, Conway Scott Smith, Dmitry, Eitan Goldshtrom, Enrico Billich,-epsilon-, Garret Patterson, Gustav Strömbom, Guy Davis, Helmar Suschka, Ilyas Akhmedov, Inga Huang, Irene C., Jean-Baptiste Hebbrecht, JEM, Jessey Wright, John, Jónatan Nilsson, Joseph Bowman, Juanjo Fernández Monreal, Jurgo van den Elzen, Kai-Ting (Danil) Ko, Kasper Hansen, Kathryn Wuerstl, Ken Mingyuan Xia, Liselle, Lorentz Grip, MacCoy, Mandy, Martin Owens, Maurice-Marie Stromer, Mauricio Vega, mefflin ross bullis-bates, Michelle Pereira Garcia, Morten Hellesø Johansen, Nazhif, Nicki Aya, Nicolae Berbece, Nicole Heersema, No Reward, Noah Summers, Noble Hays, Olivier Amrein, Olivier Brun, Oscar Moreno, Pavel Semenov, Peter Moonen, Pierre Vuillemin, Ret Samys, Reuben Tracey, Rustin Simons, Sami T, Sean Adams, Shadefalcon,
Meden wéedaná i meban ben wothem wolotheth. Áala withedim 93.
Bíi dínonehóo dademelom hi wa (Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported). Thad bel ne dademeth i thodeth.
Áalathéle: David Tschumperlé (G'MIC) i olowod Krita bethu woho! Héedan Láadanedim: Yuli i Álo
Bíi wudeth hi thodeshub wodódin wobodibodenan hi wa: Krita i G'MIC, Xubuntu (GNU/Linux) beha