: Pepper&Carrot Episode 12 [en] Episode 12: Autumn Clearout --- Page 01 Cling Clang Clong Laughing Potions Mega-Hairgrowth Potions Stink-bubble Potions "Bright-Side" Potions Smoke Potions... ... to name just a few! Yeah, I know: "A-true-witch-of-Chaosah-wouldn't-create-these-kinds-of-potions". I need to go to the market in Komona. Make all this disappear while I'm gone; it wouldn't be good for little jokers to find it and play around with it. Exactly. As well it should be. --- Page 02 Ziooum !nowhitespace Shoot! Bury everything ?! But that'll take hours, not to mention the blisters we'll have by the end of it! Boom Make it disappear? Easy! Yipee! --- Page 03 "And by no means use magic. A true witch of Chaosah does not use magic for daily chores." Grrr ! CARROT! Book seven of Chaosah: "Gravitational Fields"......without delay! I'll show that old busy-body crow what a true witch of Chaosah is! Tam Tam --- Page 04 VRO O oo oo oo oo nowhitespace ... A Chaosahn Black Hole?!... ?! ... That's really what you understand by: "don't use magic"? ... Hey... Weren't you supposed to be at the market? Of course not! And I was right too; it's simply impossible to leave you without constant surveillance! GURGES ATER! --- Page 05 wo oo wo owo nowhitespace wo oo wo owo nowhitespace Bam And there you go: Nearly everything will gravitate to stable orbits or Lagrange points and stay floating around. ?! ... Just look at this. Insufficient mass! Weak gravitational field differential! Even the closest stable circular orbit is too small! Even only a slightly larger Event Horizon would have done the trick! --- Page 07 ! ! !nowhitespace ! ! !nowhitespace CURSUS CANCELLARE MAXIMUS! Sh Klak!nowhitespace - FIN - 10/2015 - Art & Scenario : David Revoy, English Translation: Alex Gryson --- Page 08 Pepper&Carrot is entirely free(libre), open-source and sponsored thanks to the patronage of its readers. For this episode, thank you to the 575 Patrons: https://www.patreon.com/davidrevoy You too can become a patron of Pepper&Carrot for the next episode at License : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Source : available at www.peppercarrot.com Software : this episode was 100% drawn with libre software Krita 2.9.8, Inkscape 0.91, Blender 2.71, GIMP 2.8.14, G'MIC 1.6.7 on Linux Mint 17.2