: Pepper&Carrot Episode 14 [en]


Episode 14: The Dragon's Tooth

--- Page 01

Well well well! Holidays are over!
Let's start with a course on ancient potions and their primary ingredients.
Hmm... Shoot! No more powdered Dragon's Tooth.
No point starting the course without it...
Dragon's Tooth

--- Page 02

Cayenne! Thyme! Can one of you go find me some Dragon's Tooth?
In this cold?! No thanks!
Yeah... Ditto...
No problem, I'll take care of it!
Back in a jiffy!
"The cold", "the cold"!
What a bunch of sissies!
A good set of pliers, a little body armor, and we'll have those Dragon's Teeth!
Pepper, wait!

--- Page 03

Ha ha!
Whoo ! I think it'll be a teeny tiny bit more complicated than I thought!
... and I thought it'd be easier with an Air Dragon!

--- Page 04

Come back...
... Swamp dragons are famous for their docile nature!
at least I thought so...
Hmm... For the Lightning Dragon...
... I'm not so sure that this is the right tool...

--- Page 05

It's too hard...
... I give up
Pepper never gives up !
No !
COCk-a-doodle-doooooo ! ! !nowhitespace
The next day...
! !nowhitespace

--- Page 06

- FIN -
01/2016 - Art & Scenario: David Revoy Translation: Alex Gryson
pop !nowhitespace
Well? Impressed, aren't you?
I have at least a hundred Dragon's Teeth!
... but Pepper, Dragon's Tooth...
... It's a plant!

--- Page 07

Pepper&Carrot is entirely free(libre), open-source and sponsored thanks to the patronage of its readers. For this episode, thank you to the 671 Patrons:
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License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Source: available at www.peppercarrot.com Software: this episode was 100% drawn with libre software Krita 2.9.10, Inkscape 0.91 on Linux Mint 17