: Pepper&Carrot Episode 16 [en] Episode 16: The Sage of the Mountain --- Page 01 No, no, no and no, Pepper. Saffron Witchcraft ★★★ BUTCHER 15 13 Star Street Hairdresser Glug Glug --- Page 02 Personally, I don't get involved with mediating, not even for a friend. That kind of thing always ends badly. This is something you need to handle on your own. P-please Saffron... I'm not learning anything with my godmothers, all they do is take over my home, complain about their old creaky bones and shout at me no matter what I do... Listen, you're a witch, start acting like one! Like a big girl! Talk to them straight! You really can't come and help me talk to them about it... ? Alright, alright! I suppose I can come with you and talk to them about it. --- Page 03 What do you mean, you don't learn anything?! And you're not even brave enough to come tell us yourself?! If my back wasn't acting up, I'd give you a good lesson! And not one in witchcraft if you see what I mean! Thyme, calm down They're right... peep peep peep peep peep peep peep peep peep peep BAM! --- Page 04 We're not as young as we used to be and now is a good time for a lesson. I suggest an audience with Heh heh! The Sage? Aren't they too young to understand his teachings? Too young for what!? We're going! "We"? Right, here we are, I'll let you introduce yourselves to the Sage. He can be found at the top of this slope. Ready to learn a real lesson? the Sage of the mountain His counsel will be vital... --- Page 05 Ready! Me too! Great! Good attitude! ATTACK !!! A... A MONSTER ! IT'S A TRAP ! I KNEW IT !! Oh no ! Go ! --- Page 06 GRAVITAS SPIRALIS ! BRASERO INTENSIA ! Splash! Ahh, you young ones, always wanting to attack everything! What are these crazy lessons! License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, Software: Krita, Blender, G'MIC, Inkscape on Ubuntu Based on the Hereva universe created by David Revoy with contributions from Craig Maloney. Corrections by Willem Sonke, Moini, Hali, CGand and Alex Gryson. - FIN - 04/2016 - www.peppercarrot.com - Art & Scenario : David Revoy - English Translation : Alex Gryson When nothing's going as you'd like it to, nothing beats a good bath! It's good for our rheumatism and your nerves! The lesson of the Sage is to imitate him! --- Page 07 Pepper&Carrot is entirely free(libre), open-source and sponsored thanks to the patronage of its readers. For this episode, thank you to the 671 Patrons: You too can become a patron of Pepper&Carrot at www.patreon.com/davidrevoy