: Pepper&Carrot Episode 17 [en] Episode 17: A Fresh Start --- Page 01 But Pepper... Come back... NO! I'M LEAVING!! You don't teach real witchcraft! I'm going - to the witches of Ah! Wo oo sh !nowhitespace --- Page 02 Alright then, off to the land of the setting moons Shichimi can tell us how to join the witches of Ah Carrot, get out the map and compass: it's too cloudy to see where I'm going DRATS! Turbulence! HOLD ON! Oh no !!! BrrOoooOoo! !nowhitespace N --- Page 03 Cr rAsh ! !nowhitespace --- Page 04 Aah! !nowhitespace Wah! !nowhitespace Above all, don't panic, Carrot... "A good dark stare is worth a dozen useless curses!... Personally, I would've preferred to learn a few good attack spells; but anyway... shoot... no more broom or equipment, this is going to be a long trip... ...Stare them down. Dominate them! " --- Page 05 "To know the edible plants is to know where to find ready-made potions against hunger!" If only she had taught me a single one! I'm totally worn out too Carrot... And it's been days since we've eaten anything. Groo But real potions?... --- Page 06 "A true witch of Chaosah needs neither compass nor map. A starry sky will suffice" Cheer up Carrot ! Look, we've arrived! ... I would've preferred a real course in divination! --- Page 07 License : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, Software: Krita, G'MIC, Inkscape on Ubuntu Based on the Hereva universe created by David Revoy with contributions by Craig Maloney. Corrections by Willem Sonke, Moini, Hali, CGand and Alex Gryson. - FIN - 06/2016 - www.peppercarrot.com - Art & Scenario : David Revoy - English Translation : Alex Gryson Now you know the whole story. ...and you tell me that you're here because they haven't taught you anythin g ? ...so there you are. --- Page 08 Pepper&Carrot is entirely free(libre), open-source and sponsored thanks to the patronage of its readers. For this episode, thanks go to 719 Patrons: You too can become a patron of Pepper&Carrot at www.patreon.com/davidrevoy