: Pepper&Carrot Episode 18 [en] Episode 18: The Encounter --- Page 01 "Hippiah" subtle on the box OK, you can look now! TA~DAA~~A !nowhitespace A Hippiah witch's robes! It's all they had left in the shop, so I took it while I wait for my new robes to arrive! Well? Doesn't it remind you of anything?... HIPPIAH --- Page 02 Wood panel Door School of Hippiah Witchcraft KITCHENS Groo Oregano, good. Cardamom, good. --- Page 03 Cinnamon, very good. Camomile, good. Pepper ?! But I... Another failure!!! I remind you that Hippiah is not a magic for making weedkillers!... HA HAHA HA ! HA HA ! HA HA ! HA HAHA HA ! --- Page 04 HAHA HA ! HuHu Hu ! Pfff ! HAHA HA HA ! STOP !!! It's not my fault!!! Come on... STOP !!! HAHA HA HA ! HuHu Hu ! HAHA HA HA ! HAHA HA !! Grr... Stop... I said... I said... STOP !!! B A AAM ! ! !nowhitespace C R AC K ! !nowhitespace --- Page 05 on the door Ahem... If you prefer, we can take care of her... It just so happens that we're looking for a student of Chaosah... ... and that one seems the perfect candidate. Cayenne?! Thyme?! Cumin?! But I thought that you were all...... it's impossible! KITCHENS --- Page 06 swiiip !nowhitespace Clomp !nowhitespace Hee hee hee! --- Page 07 "Hippiah" subtle on the box Don't translate the names of the scenarios Something tells me you and I are going to get along great! ... and I already have a little idea of what to call you! Well? What does it remind you of?! Groo? HIPPIAH - FIN - 08/2016 - www.peppercarrot.com - Art & Scenario : David Revoy - English Translation : Alex Gryson Scenarios inspired by two scenarios proposed by Craig Maloney: "You found me, I Choose You" and "Visit from Hippiah". Based on the Hereva universe created by David Revoy with contributions by Craig Maloney. Corrections by Willem Sonke, Moini, Hali, CGand and Alex Gryson. Licence : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, Software: Krita 3.0, Inkscape 0.91 on Manjaro XFCE --- Page 08 Pepper&Carrot is entirely free(libre), open-source and sponsored thanks to the patronage of its readers. For this episode, thanks go to 720 Patrons: You too can become a patron of Pepper&Carrot at www.patreon.com/davidrevoy