: Pepper&Carrot Episode 19 [en] Episode 19: Pollution --- Page 01 I'm going in. No use in watching you dig... Bury all these failed potions for me and get in as soon as you can to rest. Seeing you succeed tomorrow is probably just wishful thinking, but who knows! Alright, I'll hurry! But, by the way, what's this thing about always burying everything ? Wouldn't it be better if we... If WHAT ? --- Page 02 labels in the garden :-) Uhm... Well, of course, I'm no expert... But the vegetable patch this year is really weird and that goes for a lot of the other plants around the house too. Tomatoes Aubergines Same with the ants, they're really up to some strange stuff. So, anyway... I thought to myself that maybe we have a bit of a problem with pollution and should think about cleaning up a bit... Listen, Miss " I-Ruin-All-My-Potions ", your Hippiah costume is no doubt going to your head. In Chaosah, we bury our mistakes! It's been our tradition since the beginning of time and I don't give a hoot what MOTHER NATURE thinks about it! So you shut it and you DIG !! --- Page 03 we bury our mistakes tradition since the beginning of time OF COURSE! Zzzz Come on, faster, Carrot! --- Page 04 Diary label on book Cayenne's Private Journal "Oh, handsome warrior, blond and golden-locked!" "...You who haunt my chaos!" "...You are the entropy of my auroras." Nice poetry, mistress Cayenne! It's crazy what you can learn about witches who bury all of their mistakes! --- Page 05 We have all had our failures. I am no longer the Cayenne who wrote that. That journal was buried for a very specific reason. ... OK! But what do you say to this then? CHAOSAH SUTRA by Thyme It's simply an error of my youth, and in any case isn't appropriate for your age! Hmm... I see... You really can't be embarrassed by any of this... --- Page 06 But the environment ! Nature ! We can't keep polluting everything like this without suffering serious consequences!!! It hasn't caused us any problems so far! We are witches of Chaosah! And our problems get buried deeply! We will not debate traditions! Oh, look what I've just found! I can't believe it! How did this get down here? She probably needs a little tuning, but still strums alright. --- Page 07 Label of materials to translate How did it go again? Cha~Cha Cha, Chaooosah! Haha, I've forgotten the lyrics! Maybe my song book is here somewhere too... ...so, we're all in agreement. Update to the rules of Chaosah: From now on, we sort, crush and recycle everything! EVERYTHING!! glass metal - FIN - 09/2016 - www.peppercarrot.com - Art & Scenario : David Revoy Script doctor: Craig Maloney. Proofreading and assistance with dialog: Valvin, Seblediacre and Alex Gryson. Inspiration: "The book of secrets" by Juan José Segura Based on the universe of Hereva created by David Revoy with contributions by Craig Maloney. Corrections by Willem Sonke, Moini, Hali, CGand and Alex Gryson. License : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, Software: Krita 3.0.1, Inkscape 0.91 on Arch Linux XFCE --- Page 08 Pepper&Carrot is entirely free(libre), open-source and sponsored thanks to the patronage of its readers. For this episode, thanks go to 755 Patrons: You too can become a patron of Pepper&Carrot at www.patreon.com/davidrevoy