: Pepper&Carrot Episode 30 [gd] Eapasod 30: Glac mi teann --- Page 06 Neach-- Deireadh na sgeòil - --- Page 07 ’S urrainn dhut dol ’nad phàtran Pepper&Carrot cuideachd is chì thu d’ àinm an-seo! Tha Pepper&Carrot saor is le tùs fosgailte air fad agus ’ga sponsaireadh le taic nan leughadairean. Mòran taing dhan 973 pàtran a thug taic dhan eapasod seo! Tadhail air www.peppercarrot.com airson barrachd fiosrachaidh! Tha sinn air Patreon, Tipeee, PayPal, Liberapay...’s a bharrachd! Mòran taing! An robh fios agad? 3s dhen t-Sultain 2019 Obair-ealain ⁊ sgeulachd: David Revoy. Leughadairean Beta a’ bhùird-stòiridh: Alina the Hedgehog, Craig Maloney, Jihoon Kim, Parnikkapore, Martin Disch, Nicolas Artance, Valvin. Tionndadh Gàidhlig Eadar-theangachadh: GunChleoc. Stèidhichte air saoghal Hereva Air a chruthachadh le: David Revoy. Prìomh neach-glèidhidh: Craig Maloney. Sgrìobhadairean: Craig Maloney, Nicolas Artance, Scribblemaniac, Valvin. Ceartachadh: Willem Sonke, Moini, Hali, CGand, Alex Gryson. Bathar-bog: Krita/4.2~git branch, Inkscape 0.92.3 air Kubuntu 18.04.2. Ceadachas: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. www.peppercarrot.com NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS Replace this section, e.g.: French version Translation: My Name. Proofreading: Other Name. You can also translate this page if you want. Beta readers help with the story, proofreaders give feedback about the text.