: Pepper&Carrot Episode 30 [ld] Zha Wud 30: Lemadamath Themeshub --- Page 06 - NODI - --- Page 07 Bóo naden ne Loyud i Ámed beth loshenan i thel ne zha nethath nuha ! Bíi dínonehóo Loyud i Ámed wa. Dínon woban betha. Meden wéedaná i meban ben wothem wolotheth. Áala withedim 973 wudewan hi! Bóo láad www.peppercarrot.com beth lothewan! Meham lezh Patreon, Tipeee, PayPal, Liberapay bezheha...i nidi nedebe! Áala! Báa lothel le? September 03, 2019 Alehala i woban: David Revoy. Wodide wowéedan dedidethu: Alina the Hedgehog, Craig Maloney, Jihoon Kim, Parnikkapore, Martin Disch, Nicolas Artance, Valvin. Láadan Héedan Láadanedim: Yuli i Álo. Bíi nosháad dedide thera Shebedoni bethude wa Elá : David Revoy. Wohun wonayahá: Craig Maloney. Dedidethodá: Craig Maloney, Nicolas Artance, Scribblemaniac, Valvin. Dódóoná: Willem Sonke, Moini, Hali, CGand, Alex Gryson. Bodibod: Krita/4.2~git branch, Inkscape 0.92.3, Kubuntu 18.04.2 beha. Hudi: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. www.peppercarrot.com NOTE FOR TRANSLATORS Replace this section, e.g.: French version Translation: My Name. Proofreading: Other Name. You can also translate this page if you want. Beta readers help with the story, proofreaders give feedback about the text.