Ops ! N'i a pas enqüèra de traduccion disponibla entad aqueste episòdi dab la lenga qui avetz seleccionada. La pagina que contunharà en anglés. + Perpausar ua traduccion
Episode 25: There Are No Shortcuts, Pagina 1
Episode 25: There Are No Shortcuts, Pagina 2
Episode 25: There Are No Shortcuts, Pagina 3
Episode 25: There Are No Shortcuts, Pagina 4
Episode 25: There Are No Shortcuts, Pagina 5
Episode 25: There Are No Shortcuts, Pagina 6
Episode 25: There Are No Shortcuts, Pagina 7
Episode 25: There Are No Shortcuts, Pagina 8
Episode 25: There Are No Shortcuts, Pagina 9
Episode 25: There Are No Shortcuts, Pagina 10
Episode 25: There Are No Shortcuts

Pagina 1

Pagina 2

Pagina 3

Pagina 4


Pagina 5

Pagina 6

Pagina 7

Pagina 8

Pagina 9

? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
- FIN -

Pagina 10

05/2018 - www.peppercarrot.com - Art & Scenario: David Revoy
Beta feedback: Nicolas Artance, Imsesaok, Craig Maloney, Midgard, Valvin, xHire and Zveryok.
Based on the universe of Hereva created by David Revoy with contributions by Craig Maloney. Corrections by Willem Sonke, Moini, Hali, CGand and Alex Gryson.
Software: Krita 4.0.0, Inkscape 0.92.3 on Kubuntu 17.10
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Pepper&Carrot is entirely free(libre), open-source and sponsored thanks to the patronage of its readers. For this episode, thanks go to 909 Patrons:
You too can become a patron of Pepper&Carrot at www.patreon.com/davidrevoy