The Pepper&Carrot project is entirely supported by the generosity of patrons from around the world. By contributing financially, each patron plays a vital role in enabling the creation of new content, and in return, they have the option to receive a special credit at the end of future episodes. Thanks to this system, Pepper&Carrot can stay independent and never have to resort to advertising or any marketing pollution.
이 홈페이지의 제가 만든 후추와 당근의 모든 내용들은 자유롭게 사용 가능합니다. 저는 당신들을 똑같이 존중합니다: 후원을 하거나, 안하거나요. 후원자들을 위한 특별 자료들은 이곳에도 모두 게시됩니다. 후추와 당근은 절대 새로운 컨텐츠를 보기 위해 돈이나 구독을 요구하지 않습니다.
저는 모든 사람들에게 제 작품을 통해 공유하고, 사용하고, 만들고, 심지어 돈을 벌 수 있는 권리도 주려고 합니다. 모든 페이지, 삽화 및 내용은 GNU/Linux 에서 자유 오픈소스 소프트웨어로 제작되었고, 모든 소스는 이 웹사이트의 '소스'탭에 있습니다. 상업적 사용, 번역, 팬아트, 인쇄, 영화, 비디오게임, 공유 그리고 재게시를 장려합니다. 다만 저작자(아티스트, 교정사, 번역가, 당신이 사용하려는 그림의 번역가)를 명시해 주고, 라이선스에 대한 링크를 제공하고, 변경사항만 나타내면 됩니다. 상식적 테두리 안에서 어떻게든 표시하면 되지만, 저작자에게 허락을 받았다는 식으로 표시해서는 안 됩니다. 자세한 정보를 원하시면:
크리에이티브 커먼즈 저작자표시 4.0 국제 라이선스.후추와 당근은 전 연령층을 위한 코미디/유머 만화입니다. 선정성 및 폭력성을 띠지 않습니다. 자유 오픈소스인 후추와 당근은 자유 문화가 얼마나 멋진지를 잘 보여주는 훌륭한 사례중 하나입니다. 자유 오픈소스가 비전문적이거나 저질이라는 것을 의미하지는 않기 때문에, 저는 품질에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 오히려 그 반대라고 할 수 있죠.
예술가와 독자 사이의 중간단계를 없애면 여러분은 비용을 절약하고 저는 더 많은 이득을 봅니다. 여러분은 저를 직접 후원합니다. 어떤 출판사/배급사/마케팅/상점도 후추와 당근을 그들이 원하는 '시장'에 맞게 바꾸도록 할 수 없습니다. 어째서 하나의 성공이 전체 산업을 위협하는 신호탄이 될 수 없을까요? 기대해 보자고요...
As I look back on the lines I wrote on the homepage ten years ago − "A free(libre) and open-source webcomic supported directly by its patrons to change the comic book industry!" − I'm struck by how much the industry has changed. Was Pepper&Carrot a catalyst for some of these shifts? The internet was a vastly different place back then. Webcomics relied on a single business model: selling merchandise and accepting one-time donations via PayPal. The concept of recurring patronage was still in its infancy.
I'm proud to say that Pepper&Carrot was one of the first webcomics to join the Patreon initiative, pioneered by YouTubers who sought to revolutionize the way artists were supported. Today, patronage platforms are the norm, and it's rare to find an artist without one.
However, not all of my innovations have taken off. My decision to use only free, libre, and open-source software licenses, and to create the entire comic using these tools, remains a rare approach. Many artists have opted for a more traditional model, where they create copyrighted materials and rely on patronage to support their work. While this model often provides "free access" to content, I believe it's a flawed system because it doesn't guarantee it.
In my model, readers don't just fund the creation of content – they also gain guaranteed, irrevocable access to it, along with the right to reuse and modify it, even commercially. This approach ensures that the work remains free and open, rather than being locked behind paywalls or proprietary licenses. In short, what is funded by the audience should belong to the audience.
As I look around at the current state of the industry, I'm more convinced than ever that my approach was the right one. Proprietary software is increasingly plagued by privacy issues, and features (eg. Blockchain/NFTs/AI) that nobody wants except investissors. Meanwhile, artists are struggling with copyright issues, being owned by publishers, platforms, and facing restrictions on where they can publish their work.
That's why my philosophy remains unchanged. I still believe that using Creative Commons licenses and free, libre, and open-source software is the key to true freedom and creativity. My tagline − "A free(libre) and open-source webcomic supported directly by its patrons to change the comic book industry!" − remains a guiding principle for me, even if it's still a minority view.
I know that I'm just a drop in the ocean, but I'm committed to continuing to push for a more open, more free, and more creative industry. I'm proud to be part of a movement that's slowly but surely making progress, and I'm grateful to my patrons for supporting me on this journey.
− David Revoy