izvor in licenca X
"Pepper House" (avtor: Mike Murray and David Revoy. Four visual with annotations on the top of four screenshots of the Sketchfab 3D model made by Mike Murray. The anotations on the top are drawn by David Revoy, designer and concept-artist of the house.) − CC-BY 4.0

Pepper House (avtor: David Revoy)

"Pepper House" (avtor: Mike Murray and David Revoy. Four visual with annotations on the top of four screenshots of the Sketchfab 3D model made by Mike Murray. The anotations on the top are drawn by David Revoy, designer and concept-artist of the house.) − CC-BY 4.0

Originalna velikost: 1726x1622px
Ustvarjeno dne: 2022-10-07
Kategorija: Skicirka


Prenesi sliko v visoki ločljivosti, 0.42MB
Prenesi izvorno datoteko (zip), 4.1MB

Za vsebino zaslužen Mike Murray and David Revoy. Four visual with annotations on the top of four screenshots of the Sketchfab 3D model made by Mike Murray. The anotations on the top are drawn by David Revoy, designer and concept-artist of the house.

Več informacij o dobrih praksah za priznavanje avtorstva se nahaja v dokumentaciji.