pali mama en nasin lawa X
sitelen "Pepper House" tan jan Mike Murray and David Revoy. Four visual with annotations on the top of four screenshots of the Sketchfab 3D model made by Mike Murray. The anotations on the top are drawn by David Revoy, designer and concept-artist of the house. − CC-BY 4.0

sitelen Pepper House tan jan David Revoy

sitelen "Pepper House" tan jan Mike Murray and David Revoy. Four visual with annotations on the top of four screenshots of the Sketchfab 3D model made by Mike Murray. The anotations on the top are drawn by David Revoy, designer and concept-artist of the house. − CC-BY 4.0

suli pi sitelen mama: 1726x1622px
pali ni li tan tenpo ni: 2022-10-07
kulupu pi ijo musi: sitelen pi pali lili


o kama jo e sitelen suli, 0.42MB
o kama jo e sitelen mama (zip), 4.1MB

nasin lawa:
o pana e nimi ni: Mike Murray and David Revoy. Four visual with annotations on the top of four screenshots of the Sketchfab 3D model made by Mike Murray. The anotations on the top are drawn by David Revoy, designer and concept-artist of the house.

sina wile sona e sona, e nasin pona pi pana nimi la, o lukin e lipu pi sona nasin.