- Title
- Episode 28: The Festivities
Page 1
- Narrator
- The three moons of Hereva were in alignment that night, and their reflected light caused quite a spectacle in the Zombiah cathedral.
- It was under this magical light that Coriander, my friend, became...
- Queen of Qualicity.
Page 2
Page 3
- Narrator
- The festivities began soon after.
- A giant party with all of the magic schools and hundreds of prestigious guests from all over Hereva.
- Pepper
- !?
Page 4
- Pepper
- Oh! It's you!
- Carrot
- rub rub
- Pepper
- I was deep in my own thoughts.
- I'm going inside. It's getting cold out here.
- Journalist
- Quick! It's her!
- Hurry! She's here!
- Miss Saffron! Can you say a few words for the Qualicity Daily?
- Saffron
- Yes, of course!
- Sound
- Journalist
- Miss Saffron! Hereva Style Gazette. Which designer are you wearing tonight?
- Pepper
- ...
- You see, Carrot? I think I understand why I'm not in the mood.
Page 5
- Pepper
- All my friends are so successful and sometimes I wish I had just a fraction of what they have.
- Coriander is a queen.
- Saffron is a rich superstar.
- Even Shichimi looks so perfect with her school.
- And me? What do I have?
- This.
Page 6
- Shichimi
- Pepper?
- I snuck out some food. Do you want any?
Page 7
- Shichimi
- It feels weird that I have to sneak around to eat any food. But our teacher tells us we must look like pure spirits with no basic human needs.
- Saffron
- Ha! There you are!
- Finally! Somewhere I can go to get away from the photographers. They drive me crazy.
- Coriander
- Photographers?
- Try avoiding boring discussions with politicians when you have this thing on your head.
- Sound
- scratch scratch
Page 8
- Coriander
- By the way, Pepper, I finally met your godmothers. They really are “special”.
- Pepper
- !!!
- Coriander
- I mean, you are so lucky. I'm sure they let you do whatever you want.
- Like, defying this useless posturing and banter without worrying about diplomacy.
- Saffron
- Or dancing and having fun without caring what people might think.
- Shichimi
- Or tasting all the food at the buffet without fearing that someone will see you!
Page 9
- Shichimi
- Oh! Pepper!? Did we say something to upset you?
- Pepper
- Not at all! Thank you, my friends!
- Narrator
Page 10
- Credits
- January, 2019 Art & scenario: David Revoy. Beta readers: CalimeroTeknik, Craig Maloney, Martin Disch, Midgard, Nicolas Artance, Valvin. English version Proofreading: CalimeroTeknik, Craig Maloney, Martin Disch. Based on the universe of Hereva Creator: David Revoy. Lead maintainer: Craig Maloney. Writers: Craig Maloney, Nartance, Scribblemaniac, Valvin. Correctors: Willem Sonke, Moini, Hali, CGand, Alex Gryson. Software: Krita 4.1.5~appimage, Inkscape 0.92.3 on Kubuntu 18.04.1. License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. www.peppercarrot.com
- Pepper
- Did you know? Pepper&Carrot is entirely free(libre), open-source and sponsored thanks to the patronage of its readers. For this episode, thanks go to 960 patrons!
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