- Title
- Episode 29: Destroyer of Worlds
Page 1
- Narrator
- Meanwhile, in another dimension…
- Monster
- At last! An interdimensional rupture!
- Probably caused by some major cosmic event!
- Grow! Grow, small breach! And unveil this new world to ENSLAVE and DOMINATE!
- Oh my… Now that's interesting.
- This must be my lucky day…
Page 2
- Monster
- A dimension inhabited by intelligent creatures!
- Faster, small breach!
- Grow! Muhaha hahaha!
- Pepper
- Phew! What a great party, my friends!
- Coriander
- Hey Pepper, Saffron and I just realised we have no clue how your Chaosah magic works.
- Saffron
- It's quite the mystery. Would you tell us more about it?
Page 3
- Pepper
- Haha, it's a little difficult to explain.
- Well, you could say that it's based on the understanding of the underlying laws of chaotic systems… …from the smallest to the largest.
- Coriander
- Well, that certainly clears things up.
- Sound
- Pepper
- Hold on, let me show you a simple example.
- Just give me a second with some good old Chaosah wisdom…
- Gotcha!
- See this skewer that was stuck between those cobblestones? By picking this up I've surely prevented someone from stepping on it.
- A small, positive change in the grand chaotic system of existence can have tremendous consequences. That's what Chaosah is all about!
Page 4
- Shichimi
- Oh yuck!
- Coriander
- Ewwww! That thing was in someone's mouth!
- Saffron
- Ha ha! Impressive as always, Pepper!
- Coriander
- Alright Pepper, thanks for this… “explanation”.
- It's time to go to sleep now, isn't it? And for someone to wash their hands.
- Pepper
- Hey! Wait up!
- Sound
- Flick!
- Tuck! Tuck!
- POW!
- Carrot
- ?
Page 5
- Sound
- Ssss!
- Poof!
- Tock!
- Shrroof…
Page 6
- Writing
- Sound
- ShrrOof!!
- Shrr!!
- Monster
- MuhahaHAHA! Finally! ATTACK!!!
- Sound
- Fizzz!!
- Monster
- !?
Page 7
- Sound
- BoOM!
- Fizzz!!
- PoOF!
- Pepper
- Don't worry, Carrot. That's probably just some people still partying.
- Alright, sleep tight!
Page 8
- Cumin
- Really? She managed to set off such a large-scale chain reaction, without even realizing it?
- Cayenne
- No doubt about it.
- Thyme
- Ladies, I think this Pepper of ours is finally ready!
- Sound
- Fshhhh!!
- Monster
- ...
- Sound
- Fwip!
- Narrator
Page 9
- Credits
- April 25, 2019 Art & scenario: David Revoy. Beta readers: CalimeroTeknik, Craig Maloney, Martin Disch, Midgard, Nicolas Artance, Valvin. English version Translation: CalimeroTeknik, Craig Maloney, Martin Disch, Midgard. Based on the universe of Hereva Creator: David Revoy. Lead maintainer: Craig Maloney. Writers: Craig Maloney, Nartance, Scribblemaniac, Valvin. Correctors: Willem Sonke, Moini, Hali, CGand, Alex Gryson. Software: Krita 4.1.5~appimage, Inkscape 0.92.3 on Kubuntu 18.04.1. License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. www.peppercarrot.com
- Pepper
- Did you know? Pepper&Carrot is entirely free(libre), open-source and sponsored thanks to the patronage of its readers. For this episode, thanks go to 960 patrons!
- You too can become a patron of Pepper&Carrot and get your name here! We are on Patreon, Tipeee, PayPal, Liberapay ...and more! Check www.peppercarrot.com for more info! Thank you!