- Title
- Episode 35: The Reflection
Page 1
- Pepper
- Oh, you're awake! Are you OK? Not too cold?
- Sorry, I'm running out of Rea soon, and my aura is too thin to protect us from the cold up here.
Page 2
- Pepper
- I'm about to lose my hyperspeed, and this pilot and dragon have been keeping pace with us for hours. They'll have no trouble catching us once we slow down.
- What an idiot I was! I was certain they would have given up hours ago!
- If only I could get them off our tail.
- NO. I have to get rid of them! Before they catch us!
- But I am also... ...very... ...tired...
- WHOOPS! Keep it together, Pepper!
Page 3
- Torreya
- You saw that, right?
- Arra
- Yes. This chase will be over soon. It won't be long before her powers are exhausted.
- Torreya
- We'll attack as soon as she runs out.
Page 4
- Sound
- BoOM!
- Pepper
- WHAT?!
- They broke the sound barrier?!
- !!!
- Sound
- WOoosH!!!
- Pepper
- Grrr! Hang on, Carrot!
Page 5
- Pepper
- Oh!
Page 6
- Pepper
- The cave of the Lake of the Horns!
- Carrot, this is our chance!
- I know this cave.
- It's a long winding passageway that ends in a room that has caved in. The stalactites in this collapsed section piled up into a wall of spikes. It's a death trap! There's a small opening that's just wide enough for us to squeeze through, but that dragon won't be able to pull up in time and will hit the wall at full speed! Muhahaha!
Page 7
- Pepper
- Great! They are following us!
- We'll soon be rid of them.
- I can't wait to see it! Muhahaha!
- !!!
Page 8
- Pepper
- Wait! What have I become? A killer? A mean witch?
- !!!
Page 9
- Pepper
- NO! That's not who I am!
- Sound
- SWoosh!
- Pepper
Page 10
- Torreya
- You know that surrendering to Master Wasabi will not end well for you?
- Pepper
- I know, but I still feel there's some way to get through to her – to make her understand.
- After all, nothing is irreparable. I learned that from an old friend.
Page 11
- Pepper
- Thank you for allowing Carrot to bring me a fresh change of clothes.
- Torreya
- My pleasure. You made our job easier, so the least I could do is return the favor.
- But you know, you really upset Wasabi. She demands perfection. You disturbed that with your filth, your clothing, and your entrance. And you attacked her! She won't go easy on you.
- Pepper
- I know.
- Torreya
- Anyway, I need to take a short nap. We'll leave when I wake up. Do what you want as long as you don't go far...
- Sound
- Sploosh
- Torreya
- What a curious witch.
Page 12
- Pepper
- Now, whatever the risks and dangers, I'll stay true to who I am. I promise!
- Narrator
Page 13
- Credits
- June 18, 2021 Art & scenario: David Revoy. Beta readers: Arlo James Barnes, Craig Maloney, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Martin Disch, Nicolas Artance, Parnikkapore, Valvin. English version (original version) Proofreading: Arlo James Barnes, Craig Maloney, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Martin Disch. Based on the universe of Hereva Creator: David Revoy. Lead maintainer: Craig Maloney. Writers: Craig Maloney, Nartance, Scribblemaniac, Valvin. Correctors: Willem Sonke, Moini, Hali, CGand, Alex Gryson. Software: Krita 4.4.2, Inkscape 1.1 on Kubuntu Linux 20.04 License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. www.peppercarrot.com
- Pepper
- For this episode, thanks go to 1054 patrons! Did you know? Pepper&Carrot is entirely free(libre), open-source and sponsored thanks to the patronage of its readers.
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