- Title
- Episode 38: The Healer
Page 1
- Vinya
- Finally...
- We managed to finish off this one!
- Fritz
- Yes, it was difficult. Now we understand why so many adventurers were stuck there.
- How is Brasic?
- Brasic? Brasic!
- Damn! I didn't notice that you were so badly hurt!
- Vinya
- Healer!
- We need your help, FAST!
Page 2
- Pepper
- Step aside...
- Sound
- Dzing
- Brasic
- My wounds are gone.
- Every time it's the same miracle.
- Your talent is incredible, Healer!
- Let's not delay. The treasure is waiting for us!
- Fritz
- Hear hear!
- Thanks to her, we're invincible!
- Let's go find the next monster!
Page 3
- Brasic
- Dibs!
- Vinya
- No, me! Me!
- Pepper
- ?
- Cayenne
- What do you think you're doing?
- We've been looking for you for months.
Page 4
- Pepper
- Isn't it obvious?
- I decided to give it all up and change my career.
- From now on, I am the Great Healer Peph'Ra, as you can see.
- Cayenne
- ...
- Pepper
- "But why", you might ask?!
- It's simple!
- I'm sick of being hunted, sick of being laughed at, and above all, I'm sick of not being able to find work after studying for so long!
- At least here I'm needed and appreciated for my skills!
- Brasic
- Healer!
- Don't stray too far!
- Vinya took a nasty blow.
- Sound
- Dzing
Page 5
- Pepper
- That's it.
- Anything else?
- Cayenne
- Yes.
- Having your name on a wanted poster is normal for a Chaosah witch.
- It's even the sign of a good reputation.
- Ignore the nay-sayers and what-have-you, and create your own career if nobody gives you one.
- And above all: you are not a healer.
- They'll notice, sooner or later, when you've run out of that incredible amount of Phoenix Tears you're carrying around, pretending you have new powers.
- Pepper
- Wha... ?
- How did you...
- ...guess.
- Cayenne
- Tsk!
Page 6
- Pepper
- Grrr!!!
- Well, if I need more I'll go get more!
- Because THIS WORKS!
- Unlike all of your twisted Chaosah stuff.
- GRRR...!
- Brasic
- Watch out!
- The monster is shape-shifting!
- Monster
- CReeeeeeeee
- eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Page 7
- Monster
- CReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- Sound
- CRRRR!!!
- CRRRR!!!
- CRRRR!!!
- Crack!!!
- Crack!!!
- Crack!!!
- Crack!!!
- Crack!!!
- Crack!!!
- Monster
- eeeeeeee...
- Sound
- Dzeeyoo!!
- Vinya
- Oh my, what a ruckus!
- Brasic
- Cover me. I'm going to silence it for good!
- You hear that, monster?!
- Keep an eye on me just in case, Healer...
- Healer?
Page 8
- Pepper
- No, no, no!
- Brasic
- Rho ho ho!
- Look at that! I think the beast's cry was too much for our healer's constitution.
- Bwa ha ha!
- Fritz
- Not only that, but it's all blue!
- Vinya
- And you think it can heal, too?
- Fritz
- Ugh, gross!
- Brasic
- Pepper
- ...
- Fritz
- HEY!
- Brasic
- Wait! We were just joking!
- Vinya
- Healer!
- Cayenne
- Welcome back.
- Title
- - FIN -
Page 9
- Credits
- April 26, 2023 Art & scenario: David Revoy. Beta readers: Arlo James Barnes, Bobby Hiltz, Craig Maloney, Christian Aribaud, Estefania de Vasconcellos Guimaraes, Frédéric Mora, Erik Mondrian, Nicolas Artance, Rhombihexahedron, Valvin, Vinay. English translation: Arlo James Barnes, Benjamin Loubet, Bobby Hiltz, CitizenK4te, Craig Maloney, Estefania de Vasconcellos Guimaraes, Frederic Mora, Jelfo, Marno van der Maas. Proofreading: H-Games, Menhir. Based on the universe of Hereva Creator: David Revoy. Lead maintainer: Craig Maloney. Writers: Craig Maloney, Nicolas Artance, Scribblemaniac, Valvin. Correctors: Willem Sonke, Moini, Hali, CGand, Alex Gryson. Software: Krita 5.0.5, Inkscape 1.2 on Fedora 36 KDE Spin. License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. www.peppercarrot.com
- Pepper
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- For this episode, thanks go to 1084 patrons!
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